Working Papers

Dynamic Adjustment to Trade Shocks (2024)
with Junyuan Chen, Carlos Goes, Marc-Andreas Muendler
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Unbundling Market Power (2023)
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Who Gains From Scale? Trade and Wage Inequality Within and Between Firms (2022)
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Trade in Services and Innovation (2020) - New draft coming soon
with Bastian Krieger
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Stabilizing Congestion in Decentralized Record-Keepers (2022)
with Assimakis Kattis, [arXiv]
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cModel (2023)
with Junyuan Chen, Carlos Goes, Marc-Andreas Muendler
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Global Value Chain Participation and Current Account Imbalances
with Johannes Brumm, Georgios Georgiadis, and Johannes Gräb
Journal of International Money and Finance Special Issue: International Financial Integration in a Changing Policy Context – the End of an Era?. 2019
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In Progress
The propagation of microeconomic shocks through financial and production networks, with Ali Uppal